We are very pleased to inform you all, that Dr. H. P. Prabhuswamy, MBBS, MS, M. CH, FICC, FIACS, Cardiac Surgery, Professor & HOD, Dept. of CTVS, RRMCH and team conducted a Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery.
The operation was done on a 8 years old girl for congenital heart disease ostium secundim ASD on 12th April 2017. Closure of ASD done under cardiopulmonary bypass through right axillary approach and minimally invasive cardiac surgery through 4th intercostal space – right vertical infra axillary thoracotmy small incision.
Advantages are as follows ….
→ Cosmetic advantage – Avoids sternotomy incision, which may end up with ugly scar and in some patients with keloid.
→ Best in females – Avoids inhibition of further growth of breast tissue.
→ Cost efficient – Faster recovery time compared to conventional median sternotomy incision, Cuts down ICU stay and also short stay in hospital.
→ commonly advisable to be operated in children below 1.5 years, because of easy accessibility.