Department of Chest Medicine, RRMCH is conducting the “WORLD TB DAY”
Date : 20th March 2017
Time : 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Venue : Kadamba Hall (College Auditorium)
Speaker : Dr. Sireesh Manohar Nagare
On occasion of “WORLD TB DAY” the department of Respiratory Medicine, RRMCH had organized a workshop with the topic “STANDARD TB CARE”.
Tuberculosis continues to be a major public health problem in our country. India accounts for ¼ of the global tuberculosis problem. Every year out of 9.6 million new cases globally, India contributes 2.2 million cases and every five minutes 2 patients are dying from complications of tuberculosis in our country. Recent HIV epidemic and Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) tuberculosis is a growing challenge for the health care authorities in India.
WHO (World Health Organisation) is observing 24th May as “World TB Day” every year. Government of India has decided the Slogan for this year as “End TB by 2035”.
Department of Respiratory Medicine, being a primary department of caring for the tuberculosis patients, conducted sensitization programme on “Standard TB” care in India – “Recent Guide lines” in collaboration with DTO Bangalore Urban and “AKSHAYA Foundation”. The speakers were Dr. Sirish Manohar Nagare, Medical Officer, Akshaya Foundation and Dr Shazia, WHO consultant, RNTCP – DOTS, Bangalroe – urban. Their speech was very advising and useful for the public. Around 50 staff members actively participated in the programme.